Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Kindness of Others

I'm pretty emotional right now. Tyler leaves in three weeks for his mission. His farewell is this Sunday. As I was buying things for his first aid kit, I just kept thinking of all the little things that he might need something for. A headache. A stomachache. A papercut. A bee sting. Blisters on his feet. A sunburn. It's not the big things that scare me. It's picturing him all alone for the little irritants of daily life that he just walks into Mom's place and grabs Tylenol or a bandaid for. So I'm OK but not OK at the same time. I'm proud of him but I'm going to miss him so much.

 These two are my salvation.  They bring me Sip-It drinks at work, help out with all of the yardwork here at the apartments, hug me when I cry, and make every day just better. 
I've given a lot of people a lot of quilts over the years, but Kenna just gave me my first hand-made quilt since my FIRST wedding 24 years ago. I LOVE it!!! 
I've only worked at Snow College for about a month, so the ladies I work with don't know me all that well yet, and they don't know Tyler AT ALL, but on Monday, at different times throughout the day, every one of the ladies in my office (and the 18 year old girl!) asked me at separate times if I need help with food for Ty's luncheon on Sunday. Wow. I have never worked with people this thoughtful before. I am so blessed. 

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