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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Slow Down...

Sometimes life gets so busy and hectic, that God says "Slow Down!"
And sometimes we don't think He knows what he is talking about so we keep going full speed ahead.
And then He has no choice but to put a speed bump in our paths.
Sometimes the speed bump does the trick.
Sometimes it doesn't.
Then He has to put tire spikes in the road.
So that finally gets our attention.
Before He has to put a brick wall in our paths.
I think a lot of people are facing speed bumps in the path of life right now.
Sometimes it's a terminal illness.
The death of a loved one.
The loss of a job.
Speed bumps make you take stock of what is REALLY important.
And it's amazing what we can live without.
And what we simply CAN'T live without.
I can live without Dr Pepper.
But not water.
I can live without football.
But not baseball.
I can live without TV.
But not books.
I can live without prestige.
But not love.
I can live without wealth.
But not knowledge.
I can live without politicians.
But not freedom.
I can live without religion.
But not faith.
I have slowed down.
But not stopped.
Still moving along the path.
At a slower pace.
Stopping to smell the roses.
And enjoy the rain.
And cherishing those things
That I simply can't live without.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Find Out Who Your Friends Are

It's been a rough week....

But when it's all said and done, I know who's in my corner...

I'm related to most of them, but there are a select few who I know I can count on just because....

They don't love me because they HAVE to, but because they WANT to....

That's way cool...

So, thank you to those who are there for me...

I hope someday to be there for you!

And to my family... Yay! I get to be with you FOREVER:) Love you guys!