Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So I told Momma Jeanie that I'm having a bad week and that's why I haven't been blogging much. People are expecting me to be strong and positive, and sometimes I'm just NOT very STRONG or very POSITIVE.

But I'm blogging anyway.

Everyone gives me advice on how to get through the bad days.

There's the married guy who thinks I would benefit greatly by meeting him for lunch.

Uh.. NO!!!!!

I'm not exactly Kate Beckinsale, but I still think it would hurt his wife if she found out he was having lunch with an old girlfriend.

Many people tell me I would benefit greatly from getting drunk.

I've never been drunk.

But what's the point in starting now?

I made it this far in life without it.

And raised some pretty dang good kids as a sober Mom.

Guess I'll keep being a teetotaler.

Lots and lots of people think I need to explore options other than my LDS faith.

That's a thought for another day. For now..... these are the solutions I've found to help me get through the bad days.

Ashli took me to get my first massage on Mothers' Day weekend.


Pretty sure I'm hooked now.

And today I decided to take the 7 minute journey over to the Manti temple for a session.

Oh wow.

Just driving toward it, you can see the building from a few miles back....

and I KNEW I was headed in the right direction:)

The Boswells pulled into the parking lot behind me, but I didn't get a chance to talk to them.

Brother Slack was the first person I saw as I walked down the hall past the front desk.

Ah... everything felt right in the world in that moment.

The session was beautiful. Amazing.

I was in the right place.

In the celestial room, I cried.

A lot.

But I realized that in the end, my salvation is totally dependent on

ME alone.

I might or might not have an eternal companion.

But I did everything I could to make that happen.

And he has his own free agency.

It's time for me to just be a great Mom.

And live my life in a way that my kids can be proud of.

I haven't been much of a Mom lately.

I've been needy and emotional

And they've had to take care of me.

I'm ready to take care of them again.

In the celestial room, I opened the scriptures and they fell open to

D&C 63:47.

I loved this, because Tyler's football numbers have been 47 and 63 his whole life:)

The scripture reads:

"He that is faithful and endureth shall overcome the world."

Love it:)


yurladynike said...

Yep! You are still amazing, good days or bad days. You have great kids and they are that way because you have raised them to be that way. :-)

Grandma Mc said...

Tina, you are amazing! I am not sure that in your shoes I would be headed to the temple and not be really mad for the things that have happened that are out of your control. I think it would be really easy to be mad at the world. But you keep fininding the positive in all of it. You are such an example to so many of us!
Love you XOXO

Krista said...

Love you Tina! If you ever need a partner for your next massage ... I AM ALWAYS FREE!!

Tami Searle said...

I think you are headed in the right direction. I am so proud of you and how you are dealing with everything right now. Stay strong sis...Love you!!