Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


 We took Zane and Alec to Las Vegas last week. I stopped counting the "Are we there yet"'s about 40 minutes into the trip, which normally takes about 4 1/2 hours but ended up being 6 for us this time.
 Andrea sent money with them so they could buy swim goggles, and they chose these hilarious masks.
 Zane gave me a little monster that formerly held a blue jawbreaker. Isn't it cute?
 The purpose of the trip was to see Anthony and his family, who were in Las Vegas from their home in Germany. I had never met them, and Ken and the boys hadn't seen them for three years. So it was great to visit with them. I was SO nervous to meet them, but they were really sweet to me, and I got hugs from all of them before we came home.
 Anthony and Sandra's daughter Alena is a beautiful little girl. Her big Shamu was a hit with her cousins.
 12 year old Julian is hilarious! We took him to Circus Circus to spend the day with the boys and he was joking with Zane about this being the perfect gift for him.
 This doesn't happen near enough. Alec cried when he had to say goodbye to Julian.
 We had some zany, crazy fun on the trip.

 We tried one of the buffets, but the boys were much happier with McDonald's, so we ended up there for most of our meals. They did have milk, juice and apple slices, though, so it wasn't a completely unhealthy week.
My youngest child is 18, and Ken's is 22, so we had both forgotten just how exhausting it can be to vacation with little ones, but I was SO glad Andrea let us take the boys with us. It was great to get to know them a little bit better, and we all had a good time.

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